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What happened to the project?

During the last 2 years, the project seemed to be somewhat abandoned, partially due to real life commitments, mostly due to a bad problem happened two years ago.

We had a nice domain together with a vaste space to store our rendition, plus we had all our e-mail accounts stored and associated with this domain.

All of the sudden, the domain we were using was deleted as the provider decided to terminate all free accounts after years of free service.

As a consequence, we lost all our e-mails, all our mail contacts, all our already published renditions.

We had some sort of resignation feeling and decided to put the project on hold.

Now, after a long discussion, far from being free of doubts, we decided to resume what we started.

Thus, The Forgotten Factory Project will be slowly restored, including download links and new remastered songs.

To whoever was in contact with us:

please, use the contact form to get back in touch with us! We lost all our emails and at the moment we have just one which is working.

We’d pleased to get back in touch with you.

The Forgotten Factory

  1. Andrew
    January 3, 2013 at 5:42 pm

    Sweet! Hope it comes back to normal soon. A lot of potential nowadays.

  2. Andrew
    April 20, 2013 at 9:08 am

    Indeed. Just spread the word!

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